We recently completed a commercial photo shoot of Invenda’s Smart Vending Machine, showcasing its innovative features and sleek design. Invenda is a leading technology company based in Novi Sad, Serbia. They specialize in developing and producing innovative vending machines, micro-market kiosks, and smart fridges that are designed to meet the needs of modern businesses. Recently, our team had the pleasure of shooting Invenda’s products at the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad, and we’re excited to share our behind-the-scenes experience with you.
Find out more about Invenda group in their website – INVENDA GROUP / Commercial Photo Shoot of Invenda’s Smart Vending Machine

One of Invenda’s main areas of expertise is custom software development. They work with businesses of all sizes to create customized software solutions that are tailored to their unique needs. This includes everything from web and mobile applications to complex enterprise software systems. Invenda’s team of experienced developers use cutting-edge technologies and agile development methodologies to ensure that their clients receive the highest quality software solutions.

During a conversation with the client, we were searching for a spacious, open, and elegant area that would be suitable for photography, lighting setup, and showcasing the product in the best possible light. We opted for the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad, which met all the criteria and gave a positive response.
The reflections from the glass of the machine were not very attractive, so we added screens in post-production. The size of the Sheraton hotel’s lobby allowed us to place the lighting far enough away from the model and machine so that everything was evenly lit. This small but important detail made our commercial photo shoot of Invenda’s Smart Vending Machine even more successful.
To light up a vending machine with large flat surfaces, we used a 2,4m x 2,4m diffuser. We positioned the lighting behind the diffuser to create a smooth transition over the surfaces of the machine and highlight it in the best possible way.

The biggest challenge during the photo shoot was lifting the machine to the lobby floor. The machine is quite large and weighs around 400kg (~880 lbs), which made it impossible to fit in the elevator. We had to hire some “strong guys” who would carry the machine up the stairs. They arrived with a truck and brought the machine to the hotel. They used straps, planks, and other tools to carry it up one step at a time. In the end, they reached the designated spot safely.
We watched in amazement as the team of strong men struggled to navigate the machine up the hotel stairs. Sweating with every wobble and turn it wasn’t easy to watch. It turned out that these guys used to carry similar objects in various difficult places, so the machine was in “safe straps”.

Models Ines and Slavko were once again on point. It’s always a pleasure to work with confident models who laugh easily. These are prerequisites for a photographer to get as much high-quality material in the limited time of shooting.
Find our models on Insta – INES / SLAVKO