[Since this podcast goes in the Serbian language, I’ll write an entire post in my native way of speaking] Izuzetno mi je zadovoljstvo da podelim ovaj video koji beleži moje gostovanje kod Ivana Minića u podkastu “Pojačalo”. Ivan Minić je osoba zaslužna za izgradnju dobrog dela “srpskog interneta”. Njegov najpoznatiji projekat je kreiranje foruma Burek.com…
Read more "Gostovanje kod Ivana Minića u podkastu – POJAČALO"Category: Stock photography
How is your stock photography going in 2020?
By doing stock photography since 2006, I have experienced several minor and major changes that happened in this business. How is your stock photography going in 2020? Have you notices any changes in the last several years? Some of these changes occurred during the stock agency’s system of work changes, some due to changes in…
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